Make an Impact
You Can Make a Difference
We are committed to equipping followers of Jesus to impact our world with the Good News of the Gospel. We partner with other local churches and ministries in our efforts to love the people of O'ahu and the other Hawaiian Islands. We also believe that the Good News of the gospel is for the whole world, so we support global mission partners and send short-term mission teams to serve the needs of children and adults in some of the most challenging and overlooked parts of our world.
Impact Conversations
Impact Conversations are live discussions with First Prez’s local and global outreach partners. The Impact Team has been having these conversations regularly and we have loved these opportunities to connect with our partners here in Hawai’i and around the world. Join us! You can sign-up for upcoming Impact Conversation by clicking on the link below.
Integrate Your Faith and Your Work
For many of us, one of the primary place where we can be on mission with Jesus is in our places of work. In what sector of the marketplace do you work? Whether you are connected to a local business, a national or global company, the arts, education, real estate, health care, consulting, non-profit organizations, churches, financial services, law, military, first responders, you and I are on mission with Jesus. First Prez is committed to helping you serve Jesus in the context of your vocational calling.
In Jeremiah chapters 28-29, we are shown two opposite approaches to our workplaces and to life in the world in general. The Babylonians had taken the Israelites into captive and wanted those exiles to move into Babylonian cities and lose their distinctive spirituality and cultural values. The false prophets of Israel counseled the Israelites to protect their spiritual identity by distancing themselves from the people of Babylon.
But God, through the prophet Jeremiah, tells the people of Israel to move into the city, engage the city, seek its flourishing AND keep their distinct spiritual identity intact. Engaging our workplaces and our city is what our God calls us to. God is inviting us to seek the welfare of our community so that the city of Honolulu will thrive. Our God entered the broken human story in order to heal it. We are invited to follow His lead.
In Jeremiah 29:4-7 we read, “This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
That is the challenge we are encouraging all of us to live as we think about integrating our faith in Jesus Christ and our work.
Do Justice Saturday
We will have various community service sites with many volunteer opportunities on DO JUSTICE SATURDAY, October 14. More details coming soon!
Love Your Neighbor
There are lots of ways that we can seek the welfare of our neighbors. One day, a lawyer asked Jesus a very important question, “Who exactly is my neighbor?” Jesus went on to tell the man a story that is recorded for us in Luke 10:25-37. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, we discover what it looks like to see the needs of the people around us, to chose to make sacrificial investments in the lives of others and to see how simple acts of kindness can bring healing and hope to someone desperately in need of care. There are countless opportunities for us to be the hands, feet and voice of Christ in the lives of people all around us. If you’re looking for some ways you might help others, click on the link below and explore some possibilities.
Impact Your World
We are still working on short-term mission team opportunities for the year, so watch for those announcements. You can connect today to some on-going opportunities to serve locally, by clicking on the link below.
Meet Our Partners
Local And Global Mission Partners
First Prez serves alongside a number of local and global mission partners, supporting them financially and with personal encouragement and prayer.
Made in Hope (Hawaii and Philippines)
We also send short-term mission teams from our church to work under the leadership of these organizations and others.
Soul Care Conference with Agape International Missions, 2019
You can see a list of our local and global partners and learn more about many of these remarkable ministries by clicking on the link below.