Learning in Community

THURSDAYS | 6:30-8 pm | On Zoom

A Storied Friendship Title Slide 2.jpg

After signing up by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page, join us on Zoom, starting Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 6:30 PM (Hawaii Time).

A Storied Friendship:
Tolkien and Lewis

Course instructor Vicki Lepick writes, “Focusing on the timeless themes of friendship, love, faithfulness and loyalty, I cannot think of any other authors who have inspired generations of children and adults more than these two writers. CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien began their friendship as young adults and it continued until Lewis’ death in 1963.  During their lifetimes they encouraged each other, while inspiring generations of readers.  Lewis is considered to be one of the most widely read Christian writers of our time, and Tolkien’s works are as relevant as ever.  What is it that makes their writings, theology and beliefs so readable, engaging and fun even while they reflect on pain, grief, love and friendship?  Join this class to explore their writings, the movies made from their books and their theology and beliefs.

If you have questions about the Christian faith or want to go deeper in your understanding of who God is, join us for this fascinating look at two of the most influential authors of the 20th century! To learn more about these courses from the instructors, check out the videoblog below.

Course Overview

Sept 3
The Friendship (the relationship between Lewis and Tolkien)

Sept 10 
CS Lewis and Apologetics

Sept 17 
Mere Christianity

Sept 24 
The Screwtape Letters

Oct 1
Outer Space and Grief

Oct 8       
JRR Tolkien and Catholicism

Oct 15
The themes from the Hobbit

Oct 22
The themes from the Lord of the Rings

Course Facilitator

Vicki Lepick is a Professor of Church History and Lewis and Tolkien at Pac Rim Christian University.  She holds a Master’s degree in Theology from Fuller Seminary and a Graduate Certificate in Religion, Education and Democracy from Harvard Divinity School.  This is one of her very favorite subjects to teach!

Sign Up Today
Join us as an individual, a couple, family or group of friends. Invite your small group to join. Each week you will have at least 45 minutes to discuss Lewis and Tolkien’s writings, talk story, share prayer requests and pray for one another. 

Learn more about these two classes!

Acts to Revelation Title Card.jpg

After signing up by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page, join us on Zoom, starting Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 6:30 PM (Hawaii Time).

Acts to Revelation:
The World of the First Christians

Just before Jesus ascended to heaven he challenged his first followers to, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you (Matthew 28:19-20).” This class is about what happened next! With the Book of Acts as our primary roadmap, we will take a virtual tour of the Mediterranean region and see how the first disciples of Jesus introduced their world to the One who is their reason for hope. We’re going to travel to the places where the events of the New Testament took place. In 2021, this series will conclude on the island of Patmos, where the Apostle John wrote the book of Revelation.

If you have questions about the Christian faith or want to go deeper in your understanding of the New Testament, join us for this adventure! To learn more about these courses from the instructors, check out the videoblog below.

Course Overview (click on topic to download handout)

Sept 3
The Gospel Shared at Pentecost

Sept 10
The Church Grows in Jerusalem

Sept 17
The Gospel Spreads to the Gentiles

Sept 24
Saul of Tarsus and the Road to Damascus

Oct 1
Paul's First Missionary Journey: The Island of Cyprus

Oct 8
The Journey Continues: Pamphylia, Galatia and Asia Minor

OCT 15
The Jerusalem Counsel and Paul's Second Missionary Journey

Oct 22
The SECOND Journey Continues: Philippi and Thessalonica

OCT 29
A Road Trip to Athens

Course Facilitator
Tim Shaw is a pastor at First Prez and holds Masters of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary and has led teams and groups around the world, including to the Middle East.

Sign Up Today
Join us as an individual, a couple, family or group of friends. Invite your small group to join. Each week you will have at least 45 minutes to discuss the videos and the related Scripture passages, talk story, share prayer requests and pray for one another.